Les hydravions d’Alphonse TELLIER
This is another very valuable resource, but is also written in French, so those of us who only read
English will have to depend on a machine-translation to take advantage of it. I have extracted the paragraph in which Jules is
mentioned and translated it.
"In March 1912, the organizers of the meeting navalde Monaco, Camille White and George Prades, unjournalist in love speed,
have good the idéed' to add to their races of boats and high-speed motorboats rapidesoù have triumphed for ten years the boats
and vedettesTellier a contest for hydro airplanes. Deuxaéroplanes Close Duck equipped with floats typeFabre controlled by Maurice
Colliex and Paul Rugère seprésentent with this contest beside the biplane MauriceFarman single-engined aircraft equipped with floats
Tellier pilotépar Eugene Renaux, of the biplane Henri Farman to flotteursFarman controlled by Jules Fischer. Two hydravionsCurtiss
Triad with Curtiss floats controlled by LouisPaulhan and American Hugh Robinson are added auxconcurrents as well as a biplane
Sanchez-Besa àflotteurs Tellier controlled by Jean Benoît. The JulesFischer Belgian gains the test, but
the floats Tellier àredan show all their effectiveness."
If you go to the original pdf file, you can enjoy some of the many photographs which are displayed.
You can access that page by clicking on the title above. |