approve his suggestion. Problems with fore and aft balance were later corrected by adjusting the stabilizer. Eventually, Lieutenant Geiger was able to fly S.C. No. 21 extensively
in order to familiarize himself with its particular characteristics, but because of difficulties with the machine and the poor flying conditions, the machine was not safe to use for
training personnel as originally planned. The base at Fort Kamehameha turned out to be far from satisfactory. The old tent hangars were easily torn in storms and low tides made it difficult or impossible to get the planes to the channel. Lieutenant Geiger proposed that the engineers build a track out into the water to facilitate launching the planes regardless of the tide, but no funds were available at first. The water was so shallow that both take-off and landings were dangerous and could only be performed safely in the deep, but narrow channel. The high winds made it even more difficult, and the rest of the harbor area was only usable during high tides. About the middle of September, the post commander forced the camp to move to another nearby location to permit construction of some temporary barracks on the original site. Shortly after the move Lieutenant Geiger was back in the air; however, the high treacherous winds continued to plague the flying contingent and only short flights were possible, and for this reason the department commander would not sanction any regular flying instruction. Word of the problems in Hawaii must have filtered back to the mainland for, on September 22, 1913, the Adjutant General wired General Funston that flying was to be done under only the most favorable conditions. Consequently, since the department commander did not want to use the machines in maneuvers and conditions that made it impossible to carry out the planned training program, about the only thing the machines ended up being used for during the fall was for the amusement of various officers, many of whom Lieutenant Geiger took up for rides. On October 6, 1913 Lieutenant Geiger made the first of a relatively spectacular series of flights from Pearl Harbor over to Honolulu, later flying down to the vicinity of Diamond Head. These flights were made in S.C. No. 21. On October 20, 1913 the CSO asked the Adjutant General to cable Lieutenant Geiger ordering him to stop all flying in S.C. No. 21 until further notice because of the deteriorating condition of the plane. This cable was received by Lieutenant Geiger on October 24, 1913. By November, much of the equipment needed repair and the severe deterioration of the temporary tent hangars was endangering the two airplanes. The hangars were in tatters and their status was apparently wired to the United States. Two days later, Lieutenant Geiger received a return wire which ordered all flying to cease and directing that both airplanes be disassembled, crated and stored in Honolulu to avoid damage so they were decommissioned on November 23, 1913. Few records have been found on Lieutenant Geiger's Hawaii detachment during the period between November 1913 and June 1914; however, during the winter months while the airplanes were out of use, the opportunity was used to build two new temporary wood-frame and corrugated iron roofed and sided airplane hangars. Construction was begun in December. A machine shop was also constructed to take the place of the worn out tents. The track Lieutenant Geiger had proposed earlier was completed prior to the hangar and a small truck was built for each plane. Also in December George Purington, the civilian engine expert, left for the mainland. The |
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