Major Geiger was laid to rest with full military honors at Arlington National Cemetery on Friday afternoon, May 20, 1927. General regret was expressed throughout the Air Corps over the passing of the very popular officer. The Chief of Ordnance, in a letter dated May 18, 1927 to Major General Mason M. Patrick, Chief of Air Corps, stated: "Please permit me to express the great regret of the Ordnance Department at the death yesterday of Major Harold Geiger, Air Corps. During the time that Major Geiger had been in command of the Air Detachment at the Aberdeen Proving Ground he has been of great assistance to the Ordnance Department. His attractive personality and his generous spirit of cooperation greatly facilitated the work both of the Ordnance Department and of the Air Corps at the Aberdeen Proving Ground. We greatly regret that we shall no longer have the assistance of this able officer. Chief of Ordnance." Major General Andrew Hero, Jr., Chief of Coast Artillery, wrote the following letter to General Patrick: "I wish you to know what a distinct loss all the officers in my office feel in the death of Major Geiger. On termination of the Aberdeen Tests last year I requested you to inform your officers how appreciative we were of their cooperation. Major Geiger was especially in my mind at that time, and I feel I do not exaggerate when I state that the opinion in this office is no one did more towards forwarding the development of the Anti-aircraft Service than he. Combined with our regret as officers of the Army, there is a feeling of personal grief for we admired, respected, and thoroughly liked him. |
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