1886-1955 English Version |
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Cortesía Eloy Martín |
via email from Eloy Martìn, He was born in Buenos Aires the 3 of March of 1886. It entered to the Military School the 11 of March of 1902 and in 1905 it withdrew with the Second lieutenant office. Its first destiny was Regiment 6 of Cavalry with seat in Toasted Bunker; in 1908, with the degree of Lieutenant it was destined in the School of Classes of Field of May. The 22 of February of 1910 the first flight with passenger made in front of this unit with the French pilot Alfredo Valletón of the country on board of a biplane Henry Farman equipped with motor of 50 hp. The 20 of June of that year were inaugurated the facilities of the Airline company Argentina, organized by the company Adolph Mantels and company. in lands yielded by the Ministry military in the Palomar, second school of flight of the country. In her they received instruction later the soldier of 1º of Engineers Adolph René De Bruyn and, thanks to the agreement celebrated by the company with the Ministry military, Goubat Lieutenants, Carlos Spika and Ramon Martinez Pinion, jointly with the Lieutenant of Frigate Melchor Zacarías Escola. The 20 of November, the Argentine Pilot Alfredo De Bruyn on board carried out 3 circuits on the Palomar of a biplane Henry Farman taking it like passenger being obtained this way the record of flight with pasajero. The 2 of April of 1911 minutos. on board made on the Palomar its first single flight of a biplane Henry Farman using for test 11 The 19 of October of 1912 1º to the Military aviation school was gotten up with the degree of Lieutenant. The 5 of November were inaugurated in the referred unit the Course of Aeroestación in charge of the Engineer Alberto Roque Mascías, that day the Engineer Jorge Alexander Newbery, accompanied by the Lieutenant 1º Goubat and the Lieutenant of Escola Frigate, made on board of the aerostat “Buenos Aires” one ascent of 4:10 of duration between the localities of Belgrano and Cove obtaining a record when reaching a 5000 level of m. The 15 of February of 1913, on board of the aerostat “Eduardo Newbery” landed in Field of May coming from the Aerostatic Park of Belgrano, flights that repeated 4 and 9 of March to the control of the Buenos Aires globe from also from the Aerostatic Park. The 20 of March 14. received brevet of Pilot Nº Globe The 25 of May integrated the squadron of airplanes who made the first aerial parade in the country before the authorities presided over by Head of State, Doctor Roque Sáenz Rock. The flight was developed on the National Race course with a squadron integrated of the following way: Morane Saulnier: Pilot: Engineer Jorge Alexander Newbery. Bleriot XI-bis: Pilot: Engineer Alberto Roque Mascías. Passenger: Lieutenant Carlos Giménez Kramer. Bleriot XI: Pilot Lieutenant Raul Eugene Goubat. Bleriot XI: Pilot: Soldier Pablo Teodoro Fels. Rumpler 1913 Taube: Pilot: Lieutenant Rescuing Alfredo Agneta. Passenger: Lieutenant Aníbal Brihuega. The 4 of June on board made a flight of recognition to the island Martin Garci'a of a monoplane Bleriot XI crossing from military airfield of the Palomar a distance of 120 km in 1:35 flight hours. Day 13 suffered an accident with the Captain of Norwegian ship Cristian Doxrud when they on board made an instruction flight on the Palomar of a biplane Henry Farman when one was come off the shovels of the helix destroying several stringers despite which Goubat managed to land with success. In the month of July an air escort to the President of the Nation made with the Lieutenant Rescuing Alfredo Agneta, Doctor Roque Sáenz Rock during its terrestrial trip until Talar de Pacheco. The 4 of September carried out a raid between the Palomar, Plata and Villa Lugano, returning to their base to the following day. She was senior officers of the Argentine Army in receiving brevet of Flying Pilot Nº 16 the 4 of October of that year. The 21 of November in the Palomar it on board carried out of the Student Marichal the first aerial shock in the country when it attacked in flight to 60 ms of height to the monoplane Bleriot XI Origone manned by the Lieutenant Carlos Giménez Kramer during takeoff exercises. On the following day, it obtained brevet of Military pilot Nº 3 (Military Bulletin Nº 3715). The 2 of February of 1914 in the Palomar the first experiments of air-to-ground shot carried out from a biplane Henry Farman with projectiles air earth devised by the Greater Arturo Pedro Luisoni. The 20 of February participated in the exercises developed by Regiment 1 of Howitzers in the Buenosairean locality of Carmen de outstanding Areco in a Bleriot XI-bis with the Lieutenant of Artillery Alberto González Albarracín, to make tasks of observation and setting of the artillery shot. 1º of July carried out a raid between aerodrome of the Palomar and the city of Cordova on board of a Bleriot XI returning on the following day. In the month of April the Blue” Squadron participated in the exercises made by the Army in Villaguay integrating “. The 11 of November suffered a new and severe accident with Mr. Jose Maria Flagstone when 1913 Taube overturned on board in the Palomar of the Rumpler. As a result of the Goubat accident it underwent a cerebral commotion. This accident motivated a long period of recovery that finalized in 1920 and motivated that it had to retire definitively of aviation with the degree of Greater with a total time of flights of 156 Hours, 14 Minutes and 392 aterrizajes In 1920 it entered the Faculty of Engineering and one graduated like Surveyor in 1923. In 1945 it was designated like “Expeditionary to the Desert”. The 9 of June of 1948, according to the established thing by the Law Nº 13197 (Military Bulletin Public Nº 1347) the title of Founder of the Military aviation was granted to him. It passed away in Temperley the 28 of July of 1955. The 21 of January of 1970, was declared by Precursory and Meritorious Law of the Argentina Aeronautics (Aeronautical Bulletin Public Nº 2100). In year 1986 its name to one remembered to him the streets that the Aviation group of Army in Field of May has. Its brief but outstanding performance, precursor in the Aviation of Army constitutes in a worthy example stops its members. In the Province of Buenos Aires there is a school that takes his nombre Courtesy of Eloy Martin, Argentina. |
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If you have any more information regarding this pioneer aviator, please contact: E-mail to Ralph Cooper |
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