Leon Letort
Collection of Dave Lam, 10-10-05

Leon Letort
Leon Letort (center) 1913
The woman flyer at the right is Ljuba Galantschikoff
Collection of Jean-Pierre Lauwers
From Jean-Pierre Lauwers
     The picture above is annotated "1913 Johannistal." In the center is the French aviator Leon LETORT, who had just made a non-stop flight Paris to Johannisthal-Berlin on August 23, 1913. Standing to his left is Ljuba Galantschikoff. It appears that she flew from Johannisthal-Berlin to Paris, accompanied by Letort.

By email from Dave Lam, 1-25-03
     Born September 18, 1889 at Pire, France. French license # 170, August 9, 1910 in a Blériot. Dave
Flight from Paris to Berlin Without Stop"
Daily Journal and Tribune,
Knoxville, Tennessee: July 14, 1913,
Transcribed by Bob Davis - 7-14-03
"Berlin, July 13. - The French aviator, Leon Letort, made a flight from Paris to Berlin without a stop today. He left the French capital at 4:10 o'clock this morning and landed here at 1:10 o'clock in the afternoon."
"Non-Stop Record Holder"
Daily Journal and Tribune,
Knoxville, Tennessee: July 14, 1913,
Transcribed by Bob Davis - 7-14-03
"Paris, July 13. - By his flight today from Paris to Berlin Letort becomes the non-stop record holder. the distance covered was about 590 miles which surpasses the flight made April 24 by Eugene Gilbert, who flew from Villacoublay to Vittoria, Spain, 513 miles, in eight and one half hours."

     If you search for "Léon Letort", using the Google search engine, (10-12-05), you will find about 9 of 16 links. (Note that you must use the "é" in the spelling of his first name) Unfortunately you will not find much new information by following the links. You may also want to try the form "Leon Letort" using Google. You will find a slightly different assortment of links.


"Aviator Killed"
Knoxville Journal and Tribune,
Knoxville, Tennessee: December 11, 1913,
Transcribed by Bob Davis - 3-18-07
"Barbezieuy, Department of Chartene, France, Dec. 10. - Leon Letort, a well known French aviator, was killed here today. He was about to land after a short flight when his biplane turned over and crushed him. On July 14, last, Letort made a record non-stop flight from Pary to Berlin in eight hours."

By email from Nicolas Mehault, 1-7-05
Dear Sir
     I write to you about Leon Letort, who died in 1913.
     At that time he was supposed to be married to my great aunt and to make a first flight with my grandfather, then seven years of age.
     I don't know precisely the date of his crash . It was in small village where he had gone for a meeting. The engine failed and he attempted to avoid the crowd and crashed into the trees.... It is an old family' story
Thank for this work
Nicolas Mehault

Editor's Note:
If you have any more information on this pioneer aviator
please contact me.
E-mail to Ralph Cooper

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