Berthe Noutte
Monoplan R.K.P., piloté par M** Berthe Noutte
Postmarked: Seine et Oise 2 -7 12
Collection of David Lam

     If you search on Noutte using Google, (10-11-03), you will not find any relative links.
     If you search on BUC-AVIATION using Google, (10-11-03), you will find three relative links. The most helpful one is seen immediately below.
     This page on the Charles Fair's Battlefield Guide website indentifies Buc-Aviation as having been an important airfield in the pre-WW I days. To read the whole story, click on the title above. You may want to use the FIND button to locate the entry on the page.
"Charles Fair's Battlefield Guide
Charles Fair is an Englishman who, while living and working in Paris, used his spare time to visit Great War sites. Using Paris as his base, he visited sites which do not usually feature in most Western Front Guidebooks published in the UK.
The series of articles which Charles produced is therefore very significant, because it draws our attention to important sites, well worth visiting, which we might otherwise never have heard of.
I am grateful to Charles for deciding that Hellfire Corner is a worthy "home" for his work.
This page is the starting-point for Charles's series of articles. I'm sure that visitors will want to bookmark the page and visit often. Charles now lives and works in Surrey, which he finds conveniently close to both the Public Record and the English Channel. - Tom Morgan "

      If these introductory remarks excerpted from the homepage have excited your curiosity and if time permits, you should sample some of the other entries on this very interesting website. You can access it by clicking on:
Charles Fair

I have no information as to the dates of her birth or death

Editor's Note:
If you have any information on this pioneer aviator
please contact me.
E-mail to Ralph Cooper

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Five miles south of Versailles between Buc and Toussus-le-Noble is a small airport for light aircraft. Many early members of the Lafayette Squadron received their initial flying training here, no doubt because of its proximity to the "rich and influential'"American community centred in Paris. "Icare," Revue de l'Aviation Francaise no. 158, L'Escadrille Lafayette, contains pictures of trainee pilots at Buc including Hall, Genet, and Lovell as well as some group photos. Anne Morgan, the sister of the American banker and Lafayette patron J. Pierpont Morgan Jr, "periodically motored down from their home in Versailles to the Buc aviation school to entertain American trainees there". Nothing is left of those days, since the hangars are all modern constructions. However, there is a memorial near the gate to the French aviation pioneer Henri Farman who flew from the aerodrome and whose company still exists there. The first commercial flights in France started from here in 1919.