1891-1973 |
This picture was taken in August/September 1919 at the ELTA Air Traffic Exhibition in Amsterdam. Collection of Rob Mulder, 1-4-07 |
Collection of Giovanni Giorgetti, 4-11-05 |
via email from Giovanni Giorgetti, 4-11-05 He was in France at the flying schools of Aberieu and Loyettes in the years 1909 and 1910. He was granted his French Pilot's Licence, Number 988 and Italian 146, in August 11, 1912 for a biplane, in Buc (France). He came back to Italy for the draft and he returned again to France with other pilot cadets to the Farman School of Versailles (Paris) where he achieved the military pilot's licence on June 10, 1913. He was the first Italian military pilot. He accomplished the following records and raids: * the Italian height record on July 19, 1913 (m 3.050) by Farman 12; * the height record on 1915 (m 4.000); * the height record with a passenger on 1916 (m 6.150); |
in a Savoia Pomilio - ca. 1917 Collection of Giovanni Giorgetti, 4-11-05 |
* the same record on 1917 {m. 6.750); |
Height record with three passengers Brack-Papa is in uniform with hands in his pockets. Collection of Giovanni Giorgetti, 4-11-05 |
* the height record with three passengers on 1919
(m 7.250) by airplane FIAT B.R. 700 HP; * the speed world record with a passenger {km 270 per hour) on 1919 by airplane FIAT B.R. 700 HP; * Turin - Rome (2 hr. and 15 min.) on 1919; * Rome - Paris non-stop flight with the Mont Blanc's crossing (km 1.300); * Paris - London - Brussels -Amsterdam; * the speed world record with four passengers (km 260 per hour) by airplane FIAT B.R. 700 HP; * the Cup "Deutsch de la Meurthe" with speed world record of 100 km (300 km per hour) on 1921 ; * the Cup Baracca on 1921 ; * the Meeting of Nice on 1922; * the Speed Match against Sadi Lecointe and the Silver Cup of the Aereo Club de la Còte d'Azur on 1922; * Turin - Strasburg (two hours) with the Monte Rosa's crossing on 1922; * The "Meeting d'Epinal" (France) organized by René Fonk on 1922; * The Great Silver Cup of Aero Club des Vosges (France) on 1922; * The speed race Epinal - Strasburg (France) on 1922; * Strasburg - Milan (1 hr. and 50 min.) with the crossing of the Swiss Alps on 1922; * the second at the Cup "Deutsch de la Meurthe on 1922; * the speed world record (km 357 per hour) by airplane FIAT 800 HP on 1922; * the participation in the raid through France and Italy with the squadron of the French captain Madon by a patrol of B. R. airplanes on 1923; * the participation in the raid Turin - Paris - Brussels - London - Paris - * Turin with the squadron leader Arturo Ferrarin on 1925; |
Brack-Papa in command of Italo Balbo Collection of Giovanni Giorgetti, 4-11-05 |
* the participation in the cruise Rome - London -
Amsterdam - Berlin - Rome in command of Italo Balbo on 1928. He was decorated with a medal for military valour and with a gold medal for long navigation. He was an Air Force General. He was the Italian Air Force's head test pilot from 1930 to 1936. He died on January 12, 1973 in Turin. |
TURIN - JOINT-STOCK COMPANY FOR AERONAUTICAL CONSTRUCTION ING.O.POMILIO & C. "I found this poster for Pomilio aeroplanes. The date is 1915. Francesco Brack-Papa flew in these aeroplanes." Photo & text from Giovanni Giorgetti, 12-5;-06 |
(The Goodwill Tours) If time permits, I suggest that you visit the homepage by clicking on "HOME," which you will find on the left side of the page, and enjoy the fascinating story of Francesco Pinedo. For a quick review of his life and career, you can visit his page on my website by clicking on: |
CENTO AEROPLANI E U GRANDE CUORE Hundred Airplanes and a Big Heart Giorgio Evangelisti. Product Details Cloth: 400 pages; Used Price: € 80,00 Publisher: Artioli Editore Milano - Modena 1969 |
Description: Valid on April 15, 2005 AV/0140 Evangelisti G. CENTO AEROPLANI E UN GRANDE CUORE. Milano/Modena, Artioli, 1969. In 4° (cm 28) 400 pp. Storia dell'aeronautica italiana attraverso le vicende di uno dei protagonisti: Mario Stopppani. Resoconti dei numerosi raid, la trasvolata atlantica, i primati, ecc. Documentato con centinaia di foto, cartine, fac-simili di documenti, 16 tavv. di dis. tecnici delle varie versioni del Cant Z dell'ing. Zappata, elenchi dei principali voli e records aviatori, vari indici. Preg. ediz., bel vol. t.tela orig. azzurra, tit. d., astuccio cart.orig. Ottimo. € 80,00 "AV/0140 Evangelisti G. ONE HUNDRED AIRPLANES And A GREAT HEART. Milano/Modena, Artioli, 1969. In 4° (cm 28) 400 pp. History of the Italian Air Force through the vicissitudes of one of the protagonists: Mario Stopppani. Reports of the numerous ones raid, the Atlantic trasvolata one, i supremacies, etc. Documented with hundred of photo, cartine, facsimiles of documents, 16 tavv. of dis. technical of the several versions of the Cant Z of the Ing. Hoed, it lists of the main flights and records air, vary indices. Preg. ediz., beautiful vol. t.tela orig.azzurra, tit. d., sheath cart.orig. Optimal. € 80,00" BERGOGLIO LIBRI D'EPOCA TORINO |
2 People of Air 2 Giorgio Evangelisti. Product Details Hard: 288 pp. - 21x29.7; List Price: € 36,15 - L.70.000; Cod; 515401 Publisher: Editoriale Olimpia. |
Description: You will find a complete description of the book, as well as a biography of the author, on the Editoriale Olimpia website. (4-15-05). If you read Italian, you can access the page by clicking on: |
Personal communication from Giovanni Giorgetti, 4-11-05 If you have any more information on this pioneer aviator please contact me. E-mail to Ralph Cooper |