Balbuena Airport
Balbuena Airport 1911
     Balbuena is tricky in that it was both a civilian and a military 'airfield' 'airport' 'airbase' 'air school' 'air camp' and others, from January 8th 1910, (Braniff´s first flight), to November 24th 1952.
Text and image from Pablo Arumbe, 10-6-08

Civilian Airport 1946
The civilian airport, (still in use today), was opened on March 1946
a little bit up north, not more than one mile away.
Text and image from Pablo Arumbe, 10-6-08

Balbuena Airport - 1951
The last operations of the airport in 1951.
Text and image from Pablo Arumbe, 10-6-08

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