I need a photo of him. If you can help, please contact me.
London Times
25 September 1912
Collection of Steve Brew, 10-15-05
     ANTWERP, Sept. 24.A military b iplane fell while making a flight last evening at the Aerodrome of Braaeschact, near here. Lieutenant van Loo had both legs broken, but his com;panion, Lieutenant de Manet, escaped unhurt.--- Reuter

     If you search for "Fernand van Loo", using the Google search engine, (10-16-05), you will find just one link.

First 100 Belgian Pilots
     This page lists van Loo as receiving Licence n° 59 (30.07.1912). You can access the page by clicking on the title above. If time permits, I recommend that you study the other entries on the page, many of which offer important basic information and links to other features of their lives and careers.

Fernand van Loo died April 1,1940
from First 100 Belgian Pilots
If you have any more information on this pioneer aviator
please contact me.
E-mail to Ralph Cooper

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